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von Manuel Glüheisen

Have a look into the centre of incomprehensibility –
Have a look into the centre of a human.
comparable to a mystery.
Tolerate with comprehension, but actually not acceptable.
Disgraces, wars, internal arguments, civil wars about religious education , arguments about interests, efforts of might, arms race, terrorist attacks, imperialism, ...
The human history– forms with , fights, egoism, selfishness, fight about might, disbelieving, denying.
The history –
The humans history- our history.
Natural Destiny or humans folly? Who can say?

Children want live, illness should be fight, somebody has to save the futures life, removing prejudices, create peace, we should avoiding wars, improving the society.
What do we do for it?

Is it ok that..
...WE bomb Afghanistan,
...WE have got prejudices against foreigners,
...WE disregard readiness to help,
...WE waste a vast amount of money,
...WE let humans die,
...WE believe that we are better people,
...WE only pay attention at our well-being,
...WE only satisfy our needs?

Why don’t we unit us, building a big circle, hand in hand, irrespective of money, might, selfishness, religions, nationality.
Or why are these aspects permanent important?
We are strong in an united form– We destroy ourself by single actions!
What should be more wise?
Everybody have to know that for himself!    Do you know?

Where is our position? What do we strive? What’s wise? What way are we like? Why do we live? –
Is everything senseless?
We need a focus on ourself, a look in our heart, because we are the persons who can do something?
I’m here, where are you? ? ?

Anmerkung des Autors

Da ich mich sehr für die englische Sprache interessiere und mich auch dafür begeistern kann und ich als Projekt auch mal englische Poesie verfassen wollte, so machte ich aus „Hilferuf“, „Call for help“. Wie ich finde, ein gelungenes Projekt. Zudem geschieht es mir oftmals, dass wenn jemand einen deutschen Satz äußert, dass ich diesen aus unerklärlichen Gründen ins Englische übersetze...???